Astronomy and Space Exploration Today: What do you know about it?

Scientific seminar
Astronomy and Space Exploration Today: What do you know about it?”
Seminar and lecture preview:
         In recent decades, the field of astronomy and space exploration has made an amazing leap forward. Hardly a day goes by without any major astronomical news items making an appearance not only in scientific journals but also in mass media. Every day we hear more and more about space rocket launches, asteroid flybys, exoplanet discoveries, the prospects of space tourism and a piloted mission to Mars. And do not let us forget all the cool pictures of distant galaxies and our own planet Earth! But how much do you know about the underlying science that makes it all possible? Or astronomy in general?
         The aim of this lecture is to cover some of the basics of astronomy and answer some simple, yet essential questions you either have never thought of or have been having for ages. We will talk about how to go from A to B in space, discuss awesome space pictures, and maybe shed some light on the dark side of the Moon.
         This lecture will not be a general-purpose one. It was specifically designed as an interactive session in order to evaluate the performance of the students. Hence, the intensive English course students are expected to participate in the lecture by asking and answering questions. Come well prepared. :) There will be rewards!
         And bring your umbrellas, meteor shower exposure will be part of lecture!
December 18, Dmitriy Bezrodnyy,  Assistant,  Department of Semiconductor Physics, Faculty of Physics Research Fellow, Laboratory of  Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics, Tomsk State University, conducted a student scientific seminar “Astronomy and Space Exploration Today: What do you know about it?” in English for Advanced English students at the Department of Physics, TSU. The seminar included a lecture on the basics of astronomy and a question and answer session on the underlying science that makes space exploration possible. The students were involved into a scientific discussion, which made the meeting very interactive. The students demonstrated good command of the English language by not only answering the lecturer’s questions but also initiating new topics for a discussion.  Picturesque images of distant galaxies and planets, as well as a fake piece of a meteorite, created the atmosphere of cosmic mystery making everyone think about the laws of the Universe.
18 декабря  ассистент кафедры физики полупроводников физического факультета, научный сотрудник лаборатории наноэлектроники и нанофотоники ТГУ провел студенческий семинар «Астрономия и современные исследования космоса: Что мы об этом знаем?» на английском языке для студентов физического факультета, проходящих курс углубленного изучения английского языка. Семинар включал в себя лекцию об основах астрономии и интерактивную сессию вопросов и ответов на тему научных фактов и достижений в области исследования космоса. Во время семинара студенты продемонстрировали хорошее знание английского языка, активно отвечая на вопросы лектора и задавая вопросы на заинтересовавшие их темы. Живописные картинки отдаленных галактик и ошибочный космический артефакт создали мистическую атмосферу космоса в аудитории и заставили всех участников задуматься о законах Вселенной.